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*Bookings must be made with the same name and used by the same party or family member, bringing a friend to share hire allowed.
No eligibility to reschedule to a different date to your treadmill session, they must be used on the same day.


Arena Hire Booking system
AHire Calendar




  • How do I enter? Can I enter on the day?
    All events are pre entry only, via Equipe and the closing date is 7pm two days beforehand, unless otherwise stated. Late Entries: Are accepted, if the event has spaces available. Late entries have an automatic fee increase of £2.  Additional on the day entries: Are accepted to those who have already pre entered a class. This is via the online system, please confirm with the warm up steward that we are accepting more on the day entries To make an entry click on the event name listed on the calendar. You will need to have either a free Equipe account to make a booking. Once logged in you can select the class from the drop down menu (if using mobile you may need to turn sideways to see the drop down menu. Then select the horse and rider. There is a notes box for anything that we need to know such as timings, what test if a Dressage Pick Your Time/Test. If the event has extras listed such as a caller you will be able to this add to basket. Once payment is complete you will be emailed confirmation. If you need any technical help with the booking system, please text 07748 115588. If you are unfamiliar with our booking system, please try not to leave making you entries to the last minute as we are less reachable after 6pm!
  • What's the withdrawal and refund policy?
    Withdrawals & Refunds: Strictly prior to closing only. Entries will not be carried forward to another show. Remember to check the weather and that you have fuel and that your horsebox starts in advance, before this deadline! Late entries will incur late fees. To make a withdrawal, please email or TEXT 07748115588, stating the Rider, Horse or Pony, Classes. If you are eligible for a refund please include the name of the person who processed the entries if different from the rider. Refunds are made subject to a £5 admin fee. Withdrawals will not be accepted via social media or messenger.
  • How do I find the schedule and class details?
    Please click on the Event Name wrote in blue below. To enter click on the 'purple' Enter button.
  • How do I find my competition times?
    Times are released no later than the day before the event, usually in the morning. BS Events have start lists produced no later than 36hrs before the event start. Start times are found on our START TIMES page or if you have downloaded the Equipe App and have notifications turned on, once we publish times, your app will ping to tell you.
  • Does my horse need to be vaccinated to compete?
    A horse will not be permitted to compete or train unless it has a current vaccination against equine influenza that complies with the following conditions. An initial course of two injections for a primary vaccination, not less than 21 days and not more than 92 days apart, are required before being eligible to compete. A first booster injection must be given between 150 – 215 days after the second injection of the primary vaccination. Subsequent booster injections must be given at regular intervals of no more than 12 months, commencing after the first booster injection. A full course or booster injection must have been administered at least 7 days before arriving at the competition. The vaccination record (s) in the horse’s passport, must be completed, signed and stamped line by line, by an appropriate veterinary surgeon who is neither the owner nor the rider of the horse. In the interests of equine welfare and to maintain optimum protection levels for your horse, it is strongly recommended that the most recent booster injection is given within six months + 21 days prior to the horse competing. The responsibility to comply with this rule lies with the competitor, who should consult with their veterinarian. WE DO CHECK PROOF OF VACCINATION FOR ALL ATTENDING HORSES OCTOBER - MAY, AND RANDOM CHECKS APRIL - SEPTEMBER. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU BRING THIS. Photos clearly showing the correct vaccinations for the horse or vet invoice is also accepted. Horses being found without adequate and up to date vaccinations will not be allowed to compete and will not be allowed to compete until such a time that they have been given their first and second vaccinations.
  • What is the dress code?
    SJ For qualifier classes, competition clothing is to be worn. BS rules are used as guidelines. For stressless or non qualifier classes, smart casual attire is permitted, with correct footwear and standard hat. Arena Eventing Riders may choose SJ or XC attire. Body protectors are recommended but not compulsory.
  • How do I receive my score sheet and rosette?
    If you cannot stay to collect your sheet, you can message the centre within 48hrs of the event on 07748115588 to get a photo of your score sheet.  
Rosettes can be collected at the next event or within a month.  You can leave an SAE for us to post your sheet/prizes, but this will be at your own risk should it not arrive, we will not be able to send duplicates.
  • Whip and Welfare Changes 2025 ( BS Whip Rules)
    Changes for 2025 Use of the Padded Baton The Padded Baton may only be used as an aid to support the natural aids in encouraging the horse forward, the Padded Baton may be used to support the shoulder to encourage the horse in the desired direction. The Padded Baton must not be used to discipline or punish the horse/pony nor to vent an Athlete’s temper. Such use is always excessive. If a Horse’s skin is broken or marked, as a result of the use of the Padded Baton, this is always considered excessive. The Padded Baton must not be used more than 3 times in total whilst in the arena. The Padded Baton is not to be used immediately after Refusal, Run Out or Elimination in either the competition or practice arena. The arm must not come above the shoulder and the Padded Baton should contact behind the riders leg to reinforce the leg aid. Where the Padded Baton is used to support the shoulder. The rider must retain both hands on the reins and apply contact and or direct pressure with the Padded Baton down the shoulder. No more than three contacts are allowed on the shoulder whilst in the arena. Misuse of the Padded Baton in the arena, practice arena or anywhere on the show ground will result in disciplinary action being taken. From the 1st January members will only be permitted to use the tack and equipment in the practice arena (with jumps) which is permitted in the competition arena for all levels of national classes. Draw reins will be permitted to be worn for presentations if needed. One area which was highlighted by our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion group was an increased provision for people with Hidden Disabilities and we are pleased to confirm that it has been agreed to allow members to have a caller at Club and Just for Schools competitions/ classes if the athlete dispensation panel have granted dispensation that this member has sufficient medical needs to permit the use of a caller in competition. The caller will stand with the course designer in the arena, and they would only be able to give directions to the rider, no other guidance or instructions will be allowed. It has been agreed that a British Showjumping yellow ribbon in the horses tail will be offered for those who have been granted a dispensation, this should alert other riders to give the horse/rider more space in the Practice arena.
  • I haven't done Barrels before, what classes should I do?
    Classes Explained STEADIE EDDIES For the young and old who prefer a more 'Rolls Royce' slower paced run, novice riders and horses, lead rein allowed. Those unsure of how quick their horse or pony goes can enter the Steady-Eddies, however, if they are deemed too quick for the class they will be asked to compete in the open classes going forward. Judged as one section. If you wouldn't normally 'go for it' in a showjumping jump off, this is a good class to start with. The Slo-Go Run Rules Two runs, the average slowest time wins! Must be ridden in trot. Knocking a barrel or breaking gait deducts 5 seconds from your time. If you stay in any other gait -100sec will be deducted from the run time. Basically Barrel Racing rules reversed! Pony Class Open to ALL ponies 148cm and under. Rider any age. Horse Class Open to ALL horses over 148cm. Rider any age. Open Unrestricted Judged as one section, regardless of whether a horse or pony or a senior and junior. Senior/Junior Open Place as Senior or Juniors regardless of number of entries and whether you are riding a hoarser a pony. Treat Class Random variety prizes are placed on the Barrels. Riders have to run under the set time to be allowed to keep their prizes. Exceeding the run time, lose the prizes! Knocking over a barrel: you forfeit any prizes on that barrel. Any prizes dropped are forfeited. If you complete a non run, all prizes collected are forfeited. A great test for all! Pairs Class A rides the first run. Rider B the second run. Both times added together for the average time + any penalties. Quickest pair wins Pairs can be mixed juniors/seniors on horses/ponies.
  • What is a Run Pattern?
  • Do you have event stables available?
    You can book a day stable for during an event or even overnight if you wish to link two competitions, or just not have an early start, and arrive the day before.  Stable sizes are; Standard: 3.7m x 2.6m Large: 4.5m x 3m Extra Large: 3.8 x 4.2m - 4.5m x 5m Charges are from £10 plus a Leave Clean deposit. You can secure a stable in advance by contacting us, or visit the Cafe on a show day and book then. Please note that on busier events stables may become full quickly and are reserved on a first come first served. Stable sharing is not permitted by different riders. If you have brought two horses, ridden by one rider, they may share a stable, one at a time.
  • Have I qualified for the SEIB Trailblazers Championships?
    Qualification process Show jumping is a direct qualifier with heights as for this year from 60cm to 1m for Seniors and Juniors and 60cm – 80cm for Seniors on Ponies. The top 8 in the class qualify, regardless of the number of starts or clear rounds. Combined training is also a direct qualifier for those venues running full CT competitions with the top 5 from each class qualifying. Levels are Prelim/60cm and Novice/70cm for horses and ponies and Elem/80cm for horses.  A rider will need to download a Combined Training qualification form from the TB website which we sign off for the dressage/show jumping as applicable. The rider then sends the form to Trailblazers to purchase the qualification card directly Dressage remains a two round process. Combinations who achieve a score of 58% or more at their given level in a first round qualifier, will need to purchase from YEC, a 2nd Round Qualification Card. This should be returned to Trailblazers who will then issue a 2nd round form which the Competitor take to their second round.   Seniors can qualify at Intro, Prelim, Novice or Elementary. Juniors can qualify at Intro, Prelim or Novice. A Junior rider may compete in Senior Elementary if aged 12 or over. If you have earned a qualifying place, and are eligible to compete in the championships. You should contact us via email ( and provide the following information; -Date of the event that you qualified -Rider Name -Horse Name -Section (Senior/Senior on Ponies/Junior (age if a junior rider) -Class you qualified -Placing -Address that you want your cards posting to or if you wish to collect your card at the next event that you attend Cards are £12 each plus £1.50 for postage. We will email back confirmation and payment details.
  • Have I qualified for the Sunshine Tour?
     We hold qualifiers for this super Championships in Showjumping, Dressage and Eventer's Challenge (Arena Eventing). Please see the below links for more information and what to do next if your placing at one of our events gains you a qualifying place. How to Qualify                                                      Qualifying Classes ​
  • Have I qualified for the National Pony Society Finals?
    Our Arena Eventing Classes are qualifiers for the  ANTHONY EVANS ARENA EVENTING CHALLENGE FINAL. The Final will be held at Aston Le Walls. The final is open to mares, geldings and stallions four year old and over, in possession of an equine passport but no specific registration or breed society criteria. Ponies’ manes may be plaited at competitor discretion. Qualification will be gained by achieving a top 10 placing or a double clear in a qualifying class. Qualification will be confirmed by the NPS Office. Any qualification gained in the 60/ 70cm or 80/ 90cm will jump the higher limit in the final. Riders may only ride one pony in each class at the final. Only ponies owned by NPS members (Life, Qualifying or Performance) can qualify for the final (must be a member at time of qualification).
  • Have I qualified for the British Eventing Arena Eventing Championships?
    HOW TO QUALIFY 1. Qualifying competitions to be run at 80cm, 90cm & 100cm levels. Championship classes will be AE80, AE90, AE100 as well as an AE100 Open championship for BE graded/downgraded horses and/or riders with higher level BE experience. See rule 5. 2. Qualifying competitions are organised and run by the venue, please abide by the venue’s rules and guidance when competing there. Where a venue runs separated classes between Junior/Senior or Ponies/Horses at the same height, the results will be amalgamated into a single qualifying class. Venues may run up to 1 qualifying competition per month between October 01 and February 12th. Qualified combinations will be identified via the British Eventing website following receipt of qualifying competition results Qualification is for combinations only. Substitutions will not be possible. If a combination is qualified for all 3 Championships, their Championship entries will be limited to the 2 higher level classes. The Championships are open to BE members only (including PAYG members). Qualifying competitions do not require a BE membership or BE registration. Qualification is as follows: For 80cm & 90cm classes > below 15 starters in a class > top 4 qualify > upto and incl 30 starters in a class > top 6 qualify > 31 or more starters in a class >top 8 qualify For 100 cm class > 8 or less starters > top 2 qualify > between 9 and 15 starters in a class > top 6 qualify > upto and incl 30 starters in a class > top 8 qualify > 31 or more starters in a class >top 10 qualify 3. Qualifying competition results (rider name, horse name, position, penalties, competition class and date) will be shared with British Eventing to support championship qualification validation. ​Please visit for full details
  • How do I get my prize money?
    Eligible placings will be awarded either a cash prize at the mounted prize giving on the day, or it may be sent via a refund to the card you paid your entries with through Stripe. This process can take 3-14 days to show on your statement.
  • Do I have to collect my prizes on the day ?
    Rosettes and Prize money are available to collect on the day from either the Show Office or at Prize Giving after each class. For Pick Your Times Dressage events, we will save ROSETTES and sheets for ONE month. Those not collected in that time will be forfeited. Prizes for all other events that are not collected on the day will be forfeited unless otherwise arranged with senior staff or stated on schedules.
  • Does my horse need to be vaccinated to visit?
    A horse will not be permitted to compete or train unless it has a current vaccination against equine influenza that complies with the following conditions. An initial course of two injections for a primary vaccination, not less than 21 days and not more than 92 days apart, are required before being eligible to compete. A first booster injection must be given between 150 – 215 days after the second injection of the primary vaccination. Subsequent booster injections must be given at regular intervals of no more than 12 months, commencing after the first booster injection. A full course or booster injection must have been administered at least 7 days before arriving at the competition. The vaccination record (s) in the horse’s passport, must be completed, signed and stamped line by line, by an appropriate veterinary surgeon who is neither the owner nor the rider of the horse. In the interests of equine welfare and to maintain optimum protection levels for your horse, it is strongly recommended that the most recent booster injection is given within six months + 21 days prior to the horse competing. The responsibility to comply with this rule lies with the competitor, who should consult with their veterinarian. WE DO CHECK PROOF OF VACCINATION FOR ALL ATTENDING HORSES OCTOBER - MAY, AND RANDOM CHECKS APRIL - SEPTEMBER. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU BRING THIS. Photos clearly showing the correct vaccinations for the horse or vet invoice is also accepted. Horses being found without adequate and up to date vaccinations will not be allowed to compete and will not be allowed to compete until such a time that they have been given their first and second vaccinations.
  • Do you have HGV access?
    Access is pretty good so long as you use Laith Staid Lane. For longer HGV'S. Our Gate 1 entrance is usually a little easier. It is the Silver Gate, immediately on the left after the railway bridge. You will find a link for directions, straight to the gate below for apple users. We regularly have artics using Laith Staid Lane and 18tonne + boxes at the Centre. We have decent sized hardstanding and floodlit parking area. Please Note - access off the B1222 via the farm track signed Huddleston Grange, is one of our driveways, but is not suitable for access to the parking area. We advise that you don't use this route.
  • Are there low bridges near YEC?
    The closest bridges to us are Coldhill Lane (from Aberford direction) height 13'3ft/4m. The bridge on the B1222 next to Squires Cafe is 16'9ft. And the bridge next to us on Laith Staid Lane is officially unmarked. However high sided artics use the lane weekly.
  • Are dogs allowed?
    Dogs are welcome to attend the events, but they must remain on a lead at all times, be familiar with horses and well behaved.
  • What is the Smoking Policy?
    Smoking is only permitted in one designated area whilst on site. This area is located on the route between the parking area and the arenas. You will see a metal smoking bin at the smoking area. Please ensure that you dispose of your cigarette ends in this bin. We have an a wide variety of wildlife thriving at the centre and we want to minimise the risk of them picking up any ends.
  • Do you have disability access?
    Our equestrian centre is committed to providing access for all riders, including those with disabilities. Please understand that due to the geographical nature of our centre, limited walking ability can be an issue. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the terrain and other safety considerations, we are not able to provide easy access to wheelchairs or other access aids. However, whenever possible we will do our best to ensure that we can offer access our centre, regardless of their disability. Although vehicle access is possible on the main event area, this is not always available due to the horses using this area.
  • Do you offer assistance on DIY Livery?
    Our DIY livery is DIY, assistance is available for holiday and emergency cover, occasional cover my be able, be we do not keep staff for cover of DIY ad-hoc requests. Liveries are welcome to assist one another with duties, our use our freelancers.
  • Do you offer individual turnout?
    Always for new arrivals or liveries who are returning from a stay away or injury. All our horses are field matched to suit their size, routine, age and personality to ensure settled groups of 2-4 horses per field.
  • Do the livery packages include forage and bedding?
    Hay and bedding is not included in the livery packages. However, we offer a pay-as-you-go system with no restrictions on usage. We also have the option of group orders for bedding and feed to ensure good prices and a wide range of options.
  • Can I use straw and shavings?
    To ensure a dust-free environment as possible to save costs to clients straw and full flake shavings bedding products are not permitted. We offer a range of quality and rather economical alternatives on site.
  • Can I buy Hay, Haylage and bedding on site?
    Forage isn't included to allow you to pay for what only your horse uses. Current prices are; HAY £0.21 PER KG HAYLAGE £0.24 PER KG Bedding can be bought from us Virgin Sawdust £8 Per Bale Chip/MicroShaving Mix £8.10 per bale Megazorb £7.50 per bag Ethos Miscanthus Per Bale £12.30 All biodegradable types allowed
  • Can I use my own farrier, vet etc?
    Yes, if you are happy to organise and attend visits by your own Vet or Farrier, you are very welcome to use them. We regularly have yard visits from Yorkshire EC's Farrier, Vet and various other professionals. Outside Instruction is allowed on a discounted arena hire basis and all visiting Trainers, Riders and professionals must have adequate insurance.
  • Does my horse need a Strangles test before moving?
    Yes, all horses must have Strangles ELISA Blood Test for your horse no more than 2 weeks before arrival. We can only take horses that have a result of less than 0.2. If the result is higher we will only accept a negative Guttural Pouch Test to rule of the possibility of a carrier. If your horse fails the test we will refund your holding fee. 
  • What do I need to do to get a place at YEC?
    If you wish to make an application to move to yec please download our application form and send to Please return : Completed Livery Application Form. We may ask for up to 2 references. If so this should be from your current Yard Owner, Farrier, Vet, Coach wherever possible. Once accepted we will ask for your holding fee to be paid to confirm a stable with us. We will hold a stable for 1 month. We will require copies of insurance, passport and vaccination record on arrival along with a proof of Livery ID.  We do not keep copies of your own personal ID.
  • What sort of vibe is the yard?
    We have a varied range of liveries. But despite being a competition venue, we are a smaller livery yard, keeping up to just 10 liveries at a time. People wise, we have people whose interests are competing and training, owners who prefer to ride as and when, along with a few retirees. We are really careful when selecting liveries that a newbie will be happy here. No one is judged, only supported here. We want you to feel that YEC is a second home. Gem, our Yard Owner, loves having her home as the centre and aims to share how much of a lovely, quiet, and natural setting the actually yard is.

Yorkshire EC

Laith Staid Lane,
South Milford,
N Yorkshire
LS25 6JX

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© 2013 - 2024 Yorkshire EC. Photographs used on our website and social have copyright to
Yorkshire EC | Harry Hall | Amy Griffiths Photography | Izzy Kynoch Photography | Julia Healey Wedding Photography

Equestrian Competitions Yorkshire, Showjumping Yorkshire, Dressage Competition Yorkshire, Arena Eventing Yorkshire, XC Yorkshire, Eventing Yorkshire, Indoor Arena Hire, Outdoor Arena Hire, Showjumping Arena Hire, Equine Water Treadmills, Equine Treadmill, Horse Treadmill, Horse Water Treadmill, Equine Aqua Treadmill, Equine Water Treadmill Yorkshire, Horse Water Treadmill Yorkshire, Equine Hydrotherapy, Horse Hydrotherapy, Horse Riding Coach, Rider Biomechanics Coach, BHS Coach, UKCC Showjumping Dressage Coach, Franklin Method Equestrian, Horse Rider Position Bands, Equestrian Photography, Photoshoot, Unique Photoshoot location, Wedding, Unique Wedding Venue, Weddings in Yorkshire, DIY Livery Yards Yorkshire, Camping Yorkshire, Equestrian Training Camps

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